
Monday, October 26, 2009

Chris@CDBaby on Redesigned Hits Counter

Here's the latest nugget from Chris at which caught my eye:

". . .Derek programmed the old hits counter to tally bot hits from search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.). . ." (The old hits counter) "also credited spam bots as actual valid hits."

Furthermore, Chris wrote: ". . .when our IT team redesigned the hits counter they made sure it only tallied up valid hits from real actual people."

This, Chris explains, is the reason many artists are seeing fewer hits on their counters since the function was recently restored by popular demand.

Just thought I'd pass that along. . .

Friday, October 23, 2009

Derek's New Venture

Years in the drawing board stages, Derek Sivers's new baby is being slowly unveiled. Check out the link above for more info.

Can we get Brian & Tony to hire an EMT Team Google and/or Derek & Muckwork to join the overworked and underfed CD Baby techs and frontofficers as consultants?

The irony of it kills me--I'm falling out of my chair: Derek cashes out (good for him!) to Discmakers which runs the Baby into the ground. CorinthianCap, now desperate to get a return on its investment, hires Derek to come back and make things better.

I'm dreaming, I know. . .

Friday, October 16, 2009

Why Did Sivers Sell Out? Here's A Clue

This is kind of interesting, so check it out if you haven't already.

Thanks to the fellow over at who posted it.

Felsen Reports "DD News"

Brian's latest from a couple days ago is hyperlinked above. . .

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Poll Revised--Vote Now!

By request I've re-tooled the new poll to account for "longer term" commitment in the wait for "CD Baby to get its act together," so please feel free to vote (or re-vote, as the case may be).

Primarily I'm wondering how patient we are now (after two months plus of relaunch), while looking ahead to the next six months or so & beyond.

Thank you for your suggestions on how to make this site better for all. . .

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Velvet Rope: "CD Baby--stick a fork in it?"

Comment on yet another forum is linked above. . .

Harmony Central: CD Baby "is incomprehensibly f****d up"

Heated comment on another forum, linked above. . .

Friday, October 2, 2009

Felsen: Improved Accounting & August iTunes

Brian Felsen's "weekly" update finally arrived this morning. Click it above. . .

I almost missed it while stumbling upon another Felsen post "Share Your Holiday Promotional Ideas!" At first I thought the "holiday" post was his only contribution in two weeks, so I was about to write a sarcastic piece about all the fluffy stuff we've been seeing over there:

"FiXT Launches New Remix Community & Celldweller"

"2009 International Songwriting Competition"

"Future of Music Coalition Policy Summit--CD Baby Artist Discount" and

"Be on a Tribute Album w/members of Twisted Sister, Cinderella, Quiet Riot + more"

Almost without exception, these threads have drawn only derisive comments from CD Baby artists. One of the above threads was beginning to turn into an all-out flame war.

But is it really any wonder that people are inflamed these days? Though it's been about 10 weeks since relaunch, on the world wide web 10 weeks is an eternity. It certainly "seems" like it's been more like six months or a year of this disaster (brought to us by CD Baby) than only two months or so. And that's why it "feels" somewhat ridiculous to have to wait for another 10 weeks (or a half a year, or more) for the Baby to get its pathetic act together.

Nevertheless, thanks, Brian, for the fortnightly update, even if it hasn't much reduced rampant speculation on the forum and elsewhere--speculation which is a direct result of your apparently deliberate policy of allowing only the driest trickle of information to emanate from your office.

81% Here Say Sales Are Down

As you can see, my latest mini-poll indicates that most voters' sales are down at CD Baby since "re-launch."

Lately, has been heating up with lots of opinionating on this mess. In fact we're seeing a lot more vigorous debate than usual over there, for the first time in a while, with Chris of CD Baby fielding things remarkably well.

Sure, the tanking economy of 2008-09 has something to do with plummeting sales, but as Adrian has pointed out here and there, CD Baby hasn't helped things for us by disabling the search and "sounds like" functions, and--even worse--destroying our own links to our own CD Baby pages!

And WTF is up with iTunes anyway? For many, maybe most, of us, this was our prime income stream from CD Baby. You would think that this major DD company would be totally unaffected by the Baby's troubles, but apparently not. On this issue Chris's and others' explanations are becoming tiresome--they sound more and more like some sort of "party line." No wonder people are fuming.
