Here's the latest nugget from Chris at which caught my eye:
". . .Derek programmed the old hits counter to tally bot hits from search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.). . ." (The old hits counter) "also credited spam bots as actual valid hits."
Furthermore, Chris wrote: ". . .when our IT team redesigned the hits counter they made sure it only tallied up valid hits from real actual people."
This, Chris explains, is the reason many artists are seeing fewer hits on their counters since the function was recently restored by popular demand.
Just thought I'd pass that along. . .
Here we go again
In an endless game of lobbyists’ Whac-A-Mole, it’s a new year and here is
new legislation trying to save the news. Except it’s not new. First, from
4 weeks ago
Haha, Derek cheated all the way. The "redesigned" CDbaby is the way to go!
ReplyDeleteThat still does'nt make up for the loss of traffic due to the fact that the sounds like search function does not work very well.
ReplyDeleteSure, it was all alchemy and cheating before. Since Brian F. took over, real sales happen (even if real money gets withheld).
ReplyDelete??! It wasn't "cheating" - I was just measuring every hit/view of a page, that's all. It would always show where the hit/view came from, in case people wanted to know if search engines were spidering their CD Baby page.
ReplyDeleteYou are not Derek. He is ultra-smart and not a dumb ass who can't understand mild irony.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are not Anonymous... no one can type that many posts to that many blogs on the webosphere in one single day!
ReplyDeleteJust like beauty is in the eye of the beholder... valid hits are in the eye of the statistical cruncher...
Hey man surely I ain't no Anonymous...
ReplyDeleteYou call these few that I wrote "many posts"?! Yes, considering that you wrote the rest. With such standards you might as well think you had lots of hair ;)
You surely are no Derek, and you have had a tremendous chance with this blog, but you blew it.
I'm not sure where this thread is descending, and frankly I can't even get a decent grip on what the original conflict was in the first place, but it seems to be turning into a pointless slanging match which borders on personal attack and accusation without merit. May I suggest we all cool out a bit? Thank you!