JUST KIDDING! ´cos so far, on Friday morning, there isn´t one.
Maybe the back office feels confident enough with the "re-launch" that they only need to do weekly updates now.
Or maybe, one month into this fiasco, everything is "going as planned," to paraphrase one poster here.
I don´t know about you, but reading the forum just makes me feel ill and "not right" with the state of the world today.
Plus there´s the fact that on the forum, it´s the same old story, maybe with different names, but with similar to same problems.
As someone else posted here: it might be nice to hear from Pony again. . .if he hasn´t been fired already.
With so little information coming out from the top, it´s difficult not to resist a kind of paranoid, pro-conspiratorial thinking when the Big Shot owners (CorinthianCap) of Discmakers and the Baby look like one of those mammothly funded asset strippers who come in with the bucks, re-tool everything, and make everything ready to turn over, with a gigantic profit, of course, to yet another group of "investors." We´ve seen it happen in the Wall Street economy many times before. I think we can presume that the Big Money guys indeed do not give a hoot about the CD Baby artist(s).
If Brian does post an announcement today, I´ll try to post it here as well. But at this point, anything from the top will just seem to feel anticlimactic. . .