
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

64% Say CD Baby STILL Sucks!

I'll be the first to admit that 64% of 17 votes in one of my latest polls hardly counts as any sort of scientific evidence, but that is the figure you came up with. Five and a half weeks into the "re-launch" voters on this blog are saying "CD Baby STILL Sucks!" Oh, well. . .

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday Update from Brian

Click it and read it (if you're not yet bored with the whole five week long saga). . .

Does CD Baby Still Suck?

In one of my earliest polls, 48% of 20 or so voters selected "Yes!" when asked: "Does CD Baby suck or not?" That 48% was a clear majority when compared to all other possible answers

In my newest poll, you can see another clear majority has voted "Definitely!" to the question: "Does CD Baby still suck?"

Wow. . .does no one see any improvements? Post your comments here!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ready for Action? Check Out

Click the link above and join forces!

As always, you can comment pro or con here. . .

August 14 Update from Brian

Here it is, and feel free to comment below. . .

Friday, August 14, 2009

This Weekend´s Update from Brian

JUST KIDDING! ´cos so far, on Friday morning, there isn´t one.

Maybe the back office feels confident enough with the "re-launch" that they only need to do weekly updates now.

Or maybe, one month into this fiasco, everything is "going as planned," to paraphrase one poster here.

I don´t know about you, but reading the forum just makes me feel ill and "not right" with the state of the world today.

Plus there´s the fact that on the forum, it´s the same old story, maybe with different names, but with similar to same problems.

As someone else posted here: it might be nice to hear from Pony again. . .if he hasn´t been fired already.

With so little information coming out from the top, it´s difficult not to resist a kind of paranoid, pro-conspiratorial thinking when the Big Shot owners (CorinthianCap) of Discmakers and the Baby look like one of those mammothly funded asset strippers who come in with the bucks, re-tool everything, and make everything ready to turn over, with a gigantic profit, of course, to yet another group of "investors." We´ve seen it happen in the Wall Street economy many times before. I think we can presume that the Big Money guys indeed do not give a hoot about the CD Baby artist(s).

If Brian does post an announcement today, I´ll try to post it here as well. But at this point, anything from the top will just seem to feel anticlimactic. . .

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Links to the Competiton (part 2)

Please note there are a few new links added to the lower left. I want to state that I have not had the time to research any of these companies, and will post these only if you mention them on this blog, so I cannot endorse any of these options. I'm posting this stuff only to further everyone's common knowledge.

I want to request that you post those links and any comments you have about them on Links to the Competiton (part 2) so I can easily get to them. Also, I will post links to any sites of general interest to us under the heading Other Resources. Check below for links to AMG & Artists First.

Please read the critiques/comments regarding new links Zimbalam, RecordUnion & DittoMusic in the comments section of Customer Urges 'Time Out' below.

Thanks. . .

Tuesday Update from Brian

Click the link above, and feel free to post your comments here. . .

Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday Update from Brian

JUST KIDDING!  'Cos there wasn't one.

It's unbelievable that this company, in the midst of this crisis, would let more than 72 hours pass without comment from the head honchos.  So the tension builds up on the forum (the only part of the website that seems to work without glitches), rumors fly, and artists begin to attack each other.

When management is silent, speculation fills the information vacuum.

As some one pointed out, no doubt tongue in cheek, they have "three people" working round the clock to answer a "handful" of "axe grinders and whiners."

I've got to hand it to the frontline.  They are performing well!  But upstairs?  We hear nothing but recaps that there will be "no rollback."  Fine.  But what of the medium to long term outlook?

Are heads beginning to roll over there?  Is it a "palace coup"?  Or is it true that these guys take three day weekends in Aruba, even in a shit storm such as this.


PAYDAY! or is it?

Post a comment here:  did you get paid, or didn't you?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Customer Urges "Time Out"

by A Customer on Saturday August 01 2009 @ 09:17AM PDT [ reply parent ]
While I don't agree in locking down these forums in any way, I do believe that many of the more aggressive posts here are indeed fake, potentially posted by the competition in an attempt to fan the flames and take advantage of this great opportunity for themselves. If CD Baby truly did mean that much to you, why do you want to see it destroyed? Why post threats? I'm ashamed by some of the attitudes on here. Are these really the artists I am supporting when I shop at CD Baby? Yes, this is a really, really bad situation, no doubt about that. But CD Baby has been there for us (both the artists and customers) for years and years. Why abandon them over a, comparatively speaking - short, rocky transition that was forced upon them? Wouldn't it be better to SAVE CD Baby? Instead of all this negativity, why not work together to help pull out of this mess? I want CD Baby to survive, because they have been good to us - really good to us. It doesn't help any of us to drag them down. Pony & the rest of the folks at CD Baby. Please hang in there. I'm pulling for you. And for the record, I have NO complaints for you, rather - you have my undying gratitude for all you are doing.
